Center for Teaching and Learning

Online Resources for Academic Leaders


Support for chairs:

Center for Teaching and Learning
Refer to the Center for Teaching and Learning link for program information, orientation dates, resources for teaching including Essential Elements of a Syllabus, and to request a SSO for new part-time and full-time faculty.

ACE Department Chair Services
Designed by ACE to answer the question "How can I support the development of the full-time and part-time faculty in my department?". Includes links to published research and commentary articles useful to chairs and other administrators.

Program Design
Very complete web resource for all faculty. An article by Richard Lyons in The Academic Leader is highlighted that describes an adjunct faculty program designed for a leading institution.

President's Academic Leadership Institute (PALI)
Excellent guidance for academic leaders in the University of Missouri system. Designed as a project of the President's Academic Leadership Institute to be a resource for participants in the Leadership Development Program.

ACE Online Resource Center
American Council on Education web support for those in academic leadership positions. Offers articles, practical suggestions, bibliographies, and links on legal issues, resource management, the chair as leader, and the chair and the faculty.

ACE Fellows Program
The ACE Fellow program provides support for learning opportunities through observation and participation in higher education administration at the top level with opportunities to develop the expertise to serve the institution's agenda and to see the institution as a whole; observe how other campuses address challenges and solve problems; and more....

Resources designed to support adjunct faculty, but valuable for others:

Offers position descriptions for those seeking teaching and those hiring. Also includes online chats for adjunct faculty and features articles, position papers.

Adjunct Nation
A very rich website with links to articles from Adjunct Advocate Magazine, a vault of syllabi from across the disciplines, book reviews, and teaching tools.

Adjunct Genie
Named Adjunct Genie, this site provides support for part-time college teachers and their chairs by linking a list of key articles and reports on adjuncts and part-time faculty in higher education.
